1. 番茄LeWRKY基因功能分析,北京市自然科学基金,2010- 2012,项目负责人。
2. AtCNGC2/AtCNGC19在茉莉酸诱导的钙离子动员中的分子机制,国家自然科学基金委员会-英国
E-mail :sunqp@bac.edu.cn。
Qingpeng Sun, Ph.D.
Professor of College of Biological science and engineering
Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing China
My research focuses on the molecular basis of jasmonic acid signal transduction, predominately using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Our research looks examines four fundamental and interrelated aspects of molecular plant pathology; (i) the role of calcium in jasmonic acid signal pahtway, (ii) the role of AtCNGC in jasmonic acid signal pathway and, (iii) the function of WRKY in plant stress response.
1993.9-1997.7: Bachelor of Department of biology, Biosciences, Shandong Normal University
1997.9-2000.7: Master of Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy Forestry
2000.9-2003.7: Doctor of College of Life Sciences, South China Normal University
2003.7-2006.12: Lecturer of Department of Biotechnology, Beijing University of Agriculture
2007.1-2011.8: Associate Professor of Department of Biotechnology, Beijing University of Agriculture
2011.9-present: Professor of College of Biological science and engineering, Beijing University of Agriculture
Research Support
1. The functional analysis of LeWRKY, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2010- 2012.
2. Molecular mechanism of AtCNGC2/AtCNGC19 in jasmonic acid induced calcium mobilization, the joint project of National Natural Science Foundation of China-The Royal Society, 2009-2011.
3. The role of cyclic nucleotide gated channel in Arabidopsis thaliana signal pathway, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008-2010.
4. The role of AtCNGCchannel in jasmonic acid calcium mobilization, Beijing Natural Science Foundation,2007-2009.
5. The role of AtCNGC2/AtCNGC4 in jasmonic acid calcium mobilization, Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, 2006-2009.
Key Publications
Sun, Q.-P., Guo, Y., Sun, Y., Sun, D.-Y. and Wang, X.-J. (2006) Influx of extracellular Ca2+ involved in jasmonic-acid-induced elevation of [Ca2+]cyt and JR1 expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Research, 119, 343-350.
Sun, Q.-p., Yu, Y.-k., Wan, S.-x., Zhao, F.-k. and Hao, Y.-l. (2009) Is there crosstalk between extracellular and intracellular calcium mobilization in jasmonic acid signaling. Plant Growth Regulation, 57, 7-13.
Sun, Q.-p., Yu, Y.-k., Wan, S.-x., Zhao, F.-k. and Hao, Y.-l. (2010) Extracellular and Intracellular Calcium both Involved in the Jasmonic Acid Induced Calcium Mobilization in Arabidopsis thaliana. Agricultural Sciences in China, 9, 497-503.
Contact details
Email: sunqp@bac.edu.cn
Tel:+86(10) 8079 8940