沈元月: 男 、48岁、教授/博士、博士生导师。
近年来主要围绕植物激素脱落酸与果实发育调控的分子机制展开研究:揭示了ABA受体的信号识别机制;以首次在桃和草莓果实中建立的病毒诱导基因沉默技术(VIGS)为研究平台,已确切的证据证实了ABA在桃和草莓果实成熟中发挥着重要的作用,并提出ABA激素调控果实成熟可能的信号转导机制。研究的主要结果发表在国际著名的综合性植物期刊《Nature》、《Plant Physiology》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》上。共发表SCI收录研究论文23篇, 主持科技部‘973’前期和国家自然科学基金等多项研究课题。
1. 国家科技部973前期,非呼吸跃变型果实成熟调控的分子机制,2012.08-2015.08,65万.
2. 国家自然科学基金委, RRP1调控草莓果实成熟的分子机制,2013.01-2016.12,90万.
3. 国家自然科学基金委,桃果实中脱落酸受体ABAR的功能研究,2010.01-2012.12,30万.
4. 北京教委“特色果树种质创新与果实品质形成”创新团队研究计划,2014.01-2016.12,300万元
1、以通讯作者 发表SCI研究论文11篇
* [1] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Lu D, Luo JJ, Qin L, Shen YY. Abscisic Acid Plays an Important Role in the Regulation of Strawberry Fruit Ripening. Plant Physiology,2011, 157(1):188-199. (SCI, IF 6.5)
* [2] Jia HF, Lu, D, Sun JH, Li CL, Xing Y, Qin L, Shen YY. Type 2C protein phosphatase ABI1 is a negative regulator for strawberry fruit ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013, 64 (6): 1677–1687. (SCI, IF5.3).,
* [3] Chai YM, Jia HF, Li CL, Dong QH, Shen YY. FaPYR1 is involved in strawberry fruit ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(14):5079-5089. (SCI, IF 5.3)
[4] Sun JH, Luo JJ, Tian L, Li CL, Xing Y, Shen YY. New evidence for the role of ethylene in strawberry fruit ripening. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00344-012-9312-6.
[5] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Qin L, Shen YY. Cloning and Characterization of the H Subunit of a Magnesium Chelatase Gene (PpCHLH) in Peach. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 30(4): 445-455.
[6] Li CL, Jia HF, Chai YM, Shen YY. Abscisic acid perception and signaling transduction in strawberry: A model for non-climacteric fruit ripening. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 2011, 6(12): 1950 -1953.
[7] Chai YM, Zhang Q, Tian L, Li CL, Xing Y, Qin L, Shen YY.Brassinosteroid is involved in strawberry fruit ripening. Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 69:63–69.
[8] Jia HF, Guo JX, Qin L, Shen YY. Virus-induced PpCHLH Gene silencing in peach leaves (Prunus persica). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2010, 85 (6): 528–532.
[9] Tian L, Jia HF, Li CL, Fan PG, Xing Y, Shen YY. Sucrose accumulation during grape berry and strawberry fruit ripening is controlled predominantly by sucrose synthase activity.. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2012, 87 (6): 661–667.
[10] Jia HF, Li CL, Chai YM, Xing Y, Shen YY. Sucrose promotes strawberry fruit ripening by stimulation of abscisic acid biosynthesis. Pak. J. Bot., 45(1): 169-175, 2013.
[11] Li CL, Fang KF, Li CL, Fang KF, Lei H, Xing Y, Shen YY. Phloem unloading follows an extensive apoplastic pathway in developing strawberry fruit fruit. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2012, 87 (5): 470–477.
* [1] Shen YY, Wang XF, Wu FQ, Du SY, Cao Z, Shang Y, Wang XL, Peng CC, Yu XC, Zhu SY, Fan RC, Xu YH, Zhang DP.The Mg-chelatase H subunit is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature, 2006,443(7113):824-826. (SCI, IF 29)
[2] Shen YY, Duan CQ, liang XE, Zhang DP. Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in the developing mesocarp of grape berry Fruit. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2004, 161:15-23.
[3] Duan CQ , Shen YY(并列第一), liang XE, Zhang DP. Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in the developing apple fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 2003, 118:105-113.
[4] Guo XPLi XLDuan XWShen YY, Xing Y, Cao QQ, Qin L. Characterization of sck1, a novel Castanea mollissima mutant with the extreme short catkins and decreased gibberellins. Plos One 2012, 7: e43181.
[5] Feng, YQ, Shen YY, Qin, L, Cao, QQ., Han, Z. Short catkin1, a novel mutant of Castanea mollissima, is associated with programmed cell death during chestnut staminate flower difference. Scientia Horticulturae 130(2): 431-435.
[6] Zhang DP, Chen CW, Peng YB, Shen YY. Abscisic acid-specific binding sites in the flesh of developing apple fruits. Journal of Experimenttal Botany, 2001, 52:2097-2103.
[7] Gao XP, Yan JY ,Liu EK, Shen YY, Lu YF, Zhang DP. Water stress induces in pear leaves the rise of betaine level that is associted with drought tolerance in pear. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2004, 79(1):114-118.
[8] Wu GL,Zhang XY, Zhang LY, Pan QH, Shen YY, ZhangDP, Phloemunloading in developing walnut fruit is symplasmic in the seed pericar and apoplasmic in the fleshy pericarp. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2004, 45(10):1461-1470.
[9] Gao XP, Wang XF, Lu YF, Zhang LY, Shen YY, Liang Z, Zhang DP, Jasmonic acid is involved in the water-stress-induced betaine accumulation in pear leaves. Plant Cell and Environment, 200427: 497-507.
[10] Gao XP, Pan QH, Li MJ, Zhang LY, Wang XF, Shen YY, Lu YF, Chen SW, Liang Z, Zhang DP. Abscisic Acid is Involved in the Water Stress-Induced Betaine Accumulation in Pear Leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2004, 45(6):742-750.
[11] Zhang LY, Peng YB, Pelleschi-Travier S, Fan Y, Lu YF, Lu YM, Gao XP, Shen YY, Delrot S, Zhang DP. Evidence for apoplasmic phloem unloading in developing apple fruit. Plant Physiology, 2004, 135(1):574-586.
[12] Yu XC, Li MJ, Gao GF , Feng HZ , Geng XQ , Peng CC , Zhu XY , Wang XJ , Shen YY, Zhang DP .Abscisic Acid stimulates a calcium-dependent protein kinase in grape berry. Plant Physiology. 2006, 140(2): 558-579.