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[1]Deep sequencing discovery of novel and conserved microRNAs in strawberry. Physiologia Plantarum,20131483:387-396.

[2]Computational identification of MicroRNAs in strawberry expressed sequence tags and validation of their precise sequences by miR-RACE .Journal of Heredity, 2012,103 (2): 268-277.

[3]Characterization of SNPs in strawberry cultivars in ChinaGenetics and Molecular Research,201312 (1): 639-645.

[4]Discovery and characterization of SNPs in Vitis vinifera and genetic assessment of some grapevine cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae2010125233–238.

[5]“面向都市型现代农业需求 改造植物生产类传统专业”获得北京市教育教学成果一等奖(2012年,排名第4)。


Dong Qinghua, born in December 1966, Shouguang County, Shandong Province. In July 1992, graduated from department of horticulture, Beijing Agricultural University, major in pomology, with a master's degree of agriculture. Now, deputy dean of Plant Science and Technology College, associate professor, supervisor of postgraduate of Beijing University of Agriculture.

Main teaching courses: leisure gardening, gardening planning, urban agriculture planning, key technology of horticulture, general horticulture, scientific paper writing.

Main research direction: 1)fruit developmental molecular biology; 2) virus-free and rapid propagation system of new fruit varieties; 3) urban agriculture and leisure garden planning.

Working in the research: 1) the studies on microRNAs and its target gene function of strawberry and grape fruit development; 2) study on the purity of strawberry cultivars and authenticity of detection technology; 3)virus-free and rapid propagation system establishment of berries(strawberry, blueberry and raspberry);4) agricultural theme park planning.

Representative results (SCI papers as the first author or corresponding author) :

[1]Deep sequencing discovery of novel and conserved microRNAs in strawberry. Physiologia Plantarum,20131483:387-396.

[2]Computational identification of MicroRNAs in strawberry expressed sequence tags and validation of their precise sequences by miR-RACE .Journal of Heredity, 2012,103 (2): 268-277.

[3]Characterization of SNPs in strawberry cultivars in  ChinaGenetics and Molecular Research,201312 (1): 639-645.

[4]Discovery and characterization of SNPs in Vitis vinifera and genetic assessment of some grapevine cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae2010125233–238.

[5]Won the first prize in Beijing education and teaching achievements in 2012.


Communications: telephone: 010-80794570; email address: dongbac@126.com



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