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当前位置: 首页 研究生培养 导师风采 植物科学技术学院 资源环境与植物保护 正文







主持项目及成果:近年来参加了国家973项目、农业部公益项目等多个课题的研究。现主持国家自然科学基金一项,中化化肥公司企业项目三项,北京市教委项目一项,2017年度总理基金子课题氨排放专项,校级青年教师基金和北京市园林科学院合作项目等多个项目,目前研究经费充足,第一作者发表论文12篇,多个SCI杂志审稿人(Sci.Report, AEE, GCB),欢迎环境、生态和土壤专业学生报考。

  1. 1.       Shi S.W., Peng C. H. Wang M. et al. 2016. A globalmeta-analysis of changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, and stoichiometricshifts after forestation. Plant and soil (IF=2.9)  农林一区

  2. 2.       Shi S.W., Han P. FZhang P, et al. 2015. The impact ofafforestation on soil organic carbon and nitrogen sequestration on the QinghaiPlateau, in China. PloS one. (IF=3.2)

  3. 3.       Shi S.W. & Han P. F. 2014. Estimating the soil carbon sequestration potential of China'sGrain for Green Project. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004924.(IF=4.6) 地球科学综合类一区

  4. 4.       Shi S.W., Zhang W., Zhang P., et al.. A synthesis of changein deep soil organic carbon stores with afforestation of agricultural soils,Forest ecology and management. 29653~63. (IF=2.6) 农林一区

  5. 5.       Li Yu’e,, Shi S.W., et al. 2017.Long term (≥20 years)application of fertilizers and straw return enhances soil carbon storage: ameta-analysisMitigation and AdaptationStrategies for Global ChangePublishing. (IF=3.1)

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