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12011.01-2013.12 国家自然基金编号: 31072185

项目名称:不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFN tau差异表达及其体外诱导子宫



32012.01-2016.12 国家“863” 计划项目:“牛羊分子细胞工程育种技术创新与优势性状新品种培育的任务,子课题黄淮肉用山羊分子细胞育种技术研究。课题编号:2011AA100307,任务编号:2011AA100307-4

42009.1-2012.06 国家十一五转基因生物新品种·培育重大专项课题

编号: 2009ZX08007-005B


52011.01-2013.12 国家自然基金编号: 31072185

项目名称:不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFN tau差异表达及其体外诱导子宫


62009.01-2011.12 (横向)国家十一五转基因生物新品种·培育重大专项

课题编号: 008ZX08008-005-04 项目名称:抗关节炎脑炎转基因羊新品种培育研究

72011.01-2015.12 国家十二五计划863项目编号: 2011AA10030


82008.1-2010.12 “863计划重点项目编号: 2008AA101003



92008.1-2010.12 国家十一五支撑计划项目编号: 2008BADB2B04-4



102010.1-2010.12 国家自然基金面上项目编号: 30972228

项目名称:绵羊体外胚胎妊娠时MUC1, GLYCAM1ISG15对子宫容受态影响


112008.1-2009.12 北京市科委项目编号: Z08050503260802


122008.1-2009.12 农业部重点横向合作项目


132008.1-2010.12 国家十一五支撑计划项目编号: 2008BADB2B09-4


142007.7-2010.12 国家十一五支撑计划项目编号: 2007BAD51B01-1-2项目名称:荣昌猪资源保护体系及关键技术研究



NAME : Ni Hemin


DATE OF BIRTH : Dec 28, 1962

PLACE OF BIRTH: Shanxi , China




Department of Animal Science and Technology

Beijing University of Agriculture

Changping District, Huilongguan Beinong Road 7

Beijing , 102206



Office: ( 8610) - 80793721

Fax: (8610) - 80799177

E-MAIL: nihemin@yahoo.com.cn


Institution and Location




Filed of Study

Northwest Agricultural University

Northwest Agricultural and Forestall University





Veterinary Science

Veterinary Science


1987-1992: Lecturer in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of Beijing Agricultural College.

1992-1997: Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of Beijing Agricultural College.

1999-2011: Associated Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing Agricultural College.

2011.12- Professor in the College of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture.


1985-1992: Focusing on teaching Poultry Science and Cattle Science in the Department of Animal Sciences in Beijing Agricultural College, and doing some research work on breeding of light layers, and on the application of some reproductive techniques (such as embryo transfer, embryo freezing, et al.) for sheep and dairy cattles.

1993-1997: Focusing on the nuclear transfer of bovine embryos, and production of transgenic rabbits and goats. Five transgenic rabbits (Human Insulin like Growth Factor-1, hIGF-1) and two transgenic goats (Bovine β-casein) were identified transgenic positively by Southern Blot Hybridization. Microinjection of foreign genes (such as bovine chamosin and hIGF-1) into bovine IVF (in vitro fertilization) embryos was also conducted. Construction of recombinant plasmids for gene transfer and positive transgenic animals were detected by PCR and Southern Blot Hybridization.

1998-2012 Focusing on the mechanism of ovine and bovine oocyte maturation in vitro by researching on the effects of EGF, PG and FSH AND LH on the development of their pre-implantation embryos. In vitro production of transgenic cloning of beef cattles.

Grant Support

National Fund for Natural Sciences of China ( 31072185 , PI ) 2011/01/01 – 2013/12/31

The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of the regulation of differential embryonic expression of IFNτ on different types of bovine embryos, and their in vitro induction of ISG15 on their uterine epithelium cells cultured in vitro. [ $5,600,0]

National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2009ZX08007-005B , PI ) 2009/01/01 —2012/7/31

The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic clonig beef cattle breed. [ $8,340,0]

National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2011ZX08008-005-03, PI ) 2011/08/01 —2012/12/31

The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $8,340,0]

National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2008ZX08008-005-02, Co-investigator, PI: Liu Yun-hai )

The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $19,400,0]


National Eleventh “5-year-plan” “863 High Tech Major Plan” of China---Sub-grant ( 2008AA1003 PI)

The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of in vitro maturation for ovine oocytes . [ $4,500,0]



1. Zhang Shaoyu, Liu Yunhai, Ni Hemin, Wang Hao, Gu Meichao, Yan Peng, Yang Fei, Guo Yong, Gene expression profile analysis of dormant mouse embryos preserved by controlled slow freezing , Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2012, 20(5): 15-19,

2. Chen Li-ping, Piao Xue-jiao, Luo Yong, Ni He-min, Liu Yun-hai, Guo Yong, Study on the in-vitro cultured methods for the uterine endometrical cells of dairy cattles and sheep, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(14): 99-104,

3. Li Kai#, Ni He-min#, Liu Yun-hai, Zhao Yan-wei, Qu Yang-yan, Li Xiao-yan, Guo Yong, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica ,2011, 10 1):136-141(#co-first author, *: correspondence author, indexed by SCIE)

4. Ni He-min * , Zhang Hong-bo, Liu Yun-hai, Deng Gui-xin, Lu Tian-gang, Guo Yong, The distribution of LH receptor on the ovaries among three different sheep breeds by different efficiency of superovulation, Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2011, 42(11): 1625-1631, ( * : the first author and correspondence author)

5. Ni He-min * , Zhang Hong-bo, Liu Yun-hai, Lu Tian-gang , Deng Gui-xin, Guo Yong, Distribution of FSH receptor on the ovaries among different sheep breeds by different efficiency of superovulation, Scientia Agricultura Sinica ,2011, 44 6):1232-1238

6. Tian Yu-jing, Lu Wen-geng, Zhang Yu, Lin Hao, Ni He-min, Guo Yong, Isolation and cultivation of bovine trophoblastic stem-like cell lines, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2011, 27(26): 20-24,

7. Lin ZL, Gao Y, Deng GX, Liang HB, Zhang HB, Liu YH, Ni HM, Guo Y, Wang ZHG, Effect of estrus synchronization with PMSG and FSH on the distribution of estrogen receptor α in the mouse uterus, ovary and fallopian tube, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2010, 18(3): 204-207,

8. Gao Y, Lin ZL, Zhang HB, Liang HB, Liu YH,Guo Y, Ni He-min * , Comparison of the expression of estrogen receptor α in mouse endometrium between those treated by estrus synchronization and in natural estrus, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2010, 18(2): 168-171,

9. Liang HB, Liu JQ, Li FH, Xu HT, Niu JY, Li J, Sun Y, Guo Y, Liu YH, Comparison of different methods for boar sperm capacitation by CTC staining, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(4): 171-173,

10. Liu YJ, Xia Y, Jin JN, Guo R, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li JH, Wei XL, Effect od different durations treated by luteinizing hormone on maturation in vitro of bovine oocytes, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(5): 123-125,

11. Liu LQ, Guo Y, Liu YH, Xue JZH, Zhang H, Li XY, Ni HM, Effect of Calcium Ionophore and Caffeine on Ovine Sperm Capacitation in vitro, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(1): 112-115,

12. Li K#, Ni HM#, Liu YH, Zhao YW, Qu YY, Li XY, Guo Y, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica ,2009(10): 42(10):3633-3638, (*: correspondence author)

13. Li K, Mu YL, Han JL, Yang SL, Liu L, Yuan XX,Guo Y, Feng ST, Study on genetic variation of inbred families of Wuzhishan miniature pig using microsatellite DNA loci. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(3): 296-302,

14. Qin GS, Li HJ, Liang HB, Guo Y, Ni HM, Liu YH, In vitro production of early dairy cattle embryos by using X-bearing sperm. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2009,

15. Liu LQ, Liu YH, Guo Y, Yang FG, Ni HM, Comparison of the ovine sperm capacitation and fertilization in vitro among different concentration of serum collected from their different estrous stages. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(8): 1150-1156,

16. Qu YY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li K, Zhao YW, Li XY, Ni He-min * , The tendency of mitochondrial distribution during maturation in vitro of ovine oocytes. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(8): 1258-1261,

17. Liu JW, Ni HM, Guo Y, Xu Y, Bao WY, Liu YH, Murine parthenogenetic embryonic development can be improved by the associated chemical activation. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 2009, 44(4): 135-141,

18. Li K, Feng ST, Mu YL, Yang SL,Han JL, Liu L, Yuan XX,Guo Y, Study on genetic regulation of microsatellite loci gene of three inbred families of Wuzhishan miniature pig. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009, 42(5): 1751-1760,

19. Wu J, Ni HM, Liu YH, Guo Y, Bao WY, Xu Y, Wang XZ. Effect of different durations on nuclear maturation in vitro of feline oocytes. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2009, 36(3): 102-105,

20. Zhang HB, Qin GS, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li XY, Liu LQ, Ni He-min * Ni HM. Effect of estrogen and progesterone on the distribution of progesterone receptor on mouse endometrium of different pubescent ways. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2009, 17(3): 206-209,

21. Bao WY , Liu YH, Guo Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Ni He-min * . Determination of the ovulation duration for domestic cats after superovulation during their non-breeding seasons. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2009, 35(10): 72-74

22. Liu LQ, Zhou WB, Gu S, Yang FG, Guo Y. Ovine Sperm Capacitation is not Affected by Their Reproductive Ducts during Different Reproductive Phases. Chinese Journal of Animal Science , 2008, 44(3): 13-15,

23. Zhang H, Liu YH, Ni HM, Yang FG, Liu LQ,Guo Y. Effect of Different Co-culture Cell Types on the Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 316(5): 8-12,

24. Li XY, Ni HM, Liu YH, Zhao YW, Qu YY, Liu JW, Guo Y. Effect of PGE 2 ,PGF and

Iloprost on Development in vitro of 2-cell Mouse Embryos. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2008, 16(2): 122-126,

25. Bao WY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Ni He-min *. Determination of the ovulation duration for domestic cats after superovulation during their Non-breeding seasons. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine,2008, 35(10): 72-74,

26. Li K, Zhao YW, Guo Y, Liu YH, Lu TG, Qu YY, Ni He-min *, Effect of E 2 and P 4 on maturation in vitro of oocytes from Kunming mouse. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2008, 16(4): 293-297,

27. Yang FG, Ni HM, Guo Y, Liu LQ, Zhang H, Liu YH. Effect of Butyrolactone on in vitro maturation and fertilization of Ovine Oocytes. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2008, 16(1): 66-70,

28. Liu LQ, Liu YH, Ni HM, Xue JZ, Zhang JT, Bai JL,Guo Y .Comparision of Ovine Sperm Capacitation in Different Animal Reproductive Ducts. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 312(1): 27-29,

29. Yang FG, Guo Y, Ni HM, Zhang H, Liu LQ, Xue JZ,Liu YH. Effect of Medium and Duration on In Vitro Maturation and Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 312(1): 33-35,

30. ZHAO YW, LI K, Qu YY, LU TG, Liu YH, Guo Y, Ni He-min * . Effect of LH and hCG on

In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes from Kunming Mouse. Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine, 2008, 18(2): 23-27,

31. Yang FG, Liu YH, Ni HM, Zhang H, Guo Y. Effect of Butyrolactone on Maturation in vitro and Developmental Competence of Ovine Oocytes. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2007, 43(23): 7-10,

33. Liu LQ, Liu CS, Guo Y, Ni HM, Zhang H, Yang FG, Liu YH. Comparison of CTC Staining and in Vitro Fertilization among Different Ovine Sperm Capacitation Methods. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2007,34(8): 31-34,

34. Zhang H, Liu YH, Ni HM, Yang FG, Liu LQ, Xue JZ, Guo Y. Effect of Media and Serum Concentration on Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2007,34(7): 32-34,

35. Xue JZ, Liu YH, Guo Y, Liu LQ, Zhang H, Yang FG, Ni He-min * . Effect of Different Concentrations of Progesterone on Ovine Sperm Capacitation in vitro, Journal of Guangxi Agric and Biol Science, 2006, 25(supp): 63-66,

36. rnal of China Agricultural University. 2001, 6 (1): 1-6,

37. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, Xia Guoliang, Zhu Yuding. Progress in cloning mammals from somatic cells, Progress in Biotechnology (China), 2000, (20): 44-49,

38. Yuding Zhu, Yong Guo, Ni He-min *. Progress in biotechnology of small ruminants in China, Small Ruminant Research, 1999, (34): 203-213,

39. Ni He-min *, Guo Yong, et al. Study on oocyte taken from live cows, Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1999, (5): 87-95,

40. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Improvement of microinjection system for transgenic rabbit embryos. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1998, (5): 69-74,

41. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Progress on producing transgenic mammals by microinjection, Progress in Biotechnology(China), 1997, (1): 42-47,

Yang WS, Ni HM, Guo Y. Study on Superovulation in female rabbits, Laboratory Animal Science and Administration, 1996, (13): 8-11,




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