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孙英健,女, 1970 年生,中共党员,博士,副教授。 1992 年获北京农学院农学学士学位, 2003 年和 2009 年分别获中国农业大学动物医学院基础兽医学专业硕士和博士学位。中国毒理学学会会员,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理与毒理学分会理事,兽医食品卫生学分会理事。主要从事《动物性食品卫生学》、《兽医公共卫生学》等课程的教学和研究工作。主要研究方向:兽医药理学,中兽药药理学,分子毒理学。近年来参加或主持省部级科研项目 7 项,主编或参编著作 4 部,发表学术论文 20 余篇, SCI 收录 5 篇,其中影响因子 3 以上的论文 2 篇。

Sun YingJian , PhD, Associate professor. She received her BSc degree (major in veterinary medicine) from Beijing Agriculture College in 1992, and MSc and PhD degree (major in basis veterinary medicine) from Veterinary Medicine College of China Agriculture University in 2003 and 2009 respectively. She is a member of China Society of Toxicology. She is also a member of councils of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and Veterinary Food Hygiene, China Society of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Now, she has been teaching the courses of Animal Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health. She has been studying in the areas, which are related to Veterinary Pharmacology and Chinese Traditional Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacology Molecular Toxicology. In recent years, more than seven research projects have been carried out (including participated) in her lab. She has published over 20 papers in the academic journals and 4 books (in Chinese), 5 of which in the SCI journals and there are 2 papers of which the influence factor is above 3.




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