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Personal Resume

Li Huanrong, born in 1968, Ph.D., Professor, the associate dean and master instructor of animal sciences and technology college, received a Bachelor's degree in agronomy at the department of veterinary medicine of Henan Agricultural University in 1990, a master's degree in veterinary microbiology and immunology at Nanjing Agricultural University in 1995, and Ph.D degree in preventive veterinary medicine at China Agricultural University in 2007.

Field of research: animal etiology and immunology.

Taught undergraduate courses: veterinary microbiology, animal microbiology, animal virology, bacteriology of animal pathogens, aquatic animal diseases.

Taught graduate courses: advanced immunology, topics of preventive veterinary medicine, diagnostic techniques of veterinary medicine.

Awards:Mentoraward in graduate employment outstanding contributions in 2011, and the 2nd science and technology progress award by the Ministry of Education in 1999 (fifth person to complete).

In addition, five books (including textbooks, a deputy editor) , more than 40 papers publishedincluding six SCI and 1 EI.

Presided over or participated in the project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2012: 'Effect of PCV2-infected porcine vascular endothelial cells on the differentiation and immune tolerance of blood-derived DCs’;

Sub-project of the Twelve-Five National Technological Support Plan of China during the year of 2011-2015;

Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation in 2006: ‘Role of porcine skin-derived dendritic cells during PCV2 infection in vivo‘;

Beijing Municipal Education Commission in 2008: Development of differential diagnosis method of TGEV and PRCV.




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