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    1994 -至今,北京农学院从事教学和科研工作





1 主讲课程:


2 主编教材:





刘克锋,张颍主编,刘悦秋副主编,普通高等教育十二五国家级规划教材 《环境学导论》,北京:中国林业出版社,2012



主持北京市委组织部优秀人才项目“彩色云芝Polystictus versicolor在降解废弃物中的应用”;









Liu YueqiuLiu KefengShi AipingLei ZengpuLiu CailingWang HongliSelection of favorable microbes in composting wasteChemical abstracts(USA)20041416):88526

董伊晨,刘悦秋(通讯作者).土壤水分对异株荨麻Urtica dioica保护性酶和渗透调节物质的影响及其与叶片光合和生物量的相关性.生态学报,2009296):2845-2851

董伊晨,刘悦秋(通讯作者).异株荨麻Urtica dioica生长及光合特性对不同土壤水分含量的相应.生态学报,20082810):4685-4692

刘悦秋,孙向阳,王勇,刘音.遮荫对异株荨麻光合特性和荧光参数的影响.生态学报,2007, 278):3457-3464

刘悦秋,孙向阳.异株荨麻Urtica dioica种子萌发特性研究.北京农学院学报,2006213):34-38

刘悦秋,孙向阳.异株荨麻Urtica dioica的活性成分及其开发价值.国外医学中医中药分册2005273):144-148


刘悦秋,刘克锋,雷增谱,石爱平,刘采苓,王红利.菌剂垃圾肥施用于矮生伽蓝菜Kalanchoe flammea的效果分析.农业环境科学学报,2003226):740-744

Jiang X.F., Huang S.H., Luo L.Z.,Liu Y. Q., Zhang L. Diapause termination, post- diapause development and reproduction in the beet webworm,Loxostege sticticalis(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).Journal of Insect Physiology, 2010,56 (9):1325-1331;







北京市科学技术三等奖.完成人:刘克锋,石爱平,王红利,刘悦秋,李月华. 2003

中国花卉博览会二等奖.完成人:刘克锋,石爱平,王红利,刘悦秋. 2005

Yueqiu Liu, Female, Associate professor, PhD in Ecology, Han nationality

Mainly engaged in teaching and research work on ecology and environment, specifically, focus on the field of environmental microbiology compost project, organic solid waste compost and ecology et al. Possess stiff professional theory basis, skilled experimental technique and ability to undertake project independently as well as to organize and coordinate project. Systematic research progress have been obtained on the microbiology selection, establish of compost technology, evaluation of compost mature index and the mechanism of lignin degradation using fungus during the performance of 7 project including 2 national, 4 province and 1 university project. More than 20 papers have been published including 1 Sci paper and 1 paper indexed by CA. Five books (including chief editor of 4 books and associate chief editor of 1 book ) have been published. One Beijing scientific and technological progress third prize, one Chinese flowers and plants exhibition second prize and a honor of“Sanyuren” of Beijing University of agriculture have been awarded.

Study and work experience:

1994- Present, teaching and do research work in Beijing university of agriculture;

1990-1994: Department of landscape of Beijing University of Agriculture, undergraduate student / bachelor

1998-2001,Department ofbiology,Beijing Forest University,graduate student /master

2003-007,  Department of forestry,  Beijing Forest University, graduate student / doctor

Teaching courses:

“Introduction of Environmental Science”, “City Ecology”, “Ecological Tourism” “Sylvan Tourism” “Forest Management”

Edited books:

Edited byLiu YueqiuLiu Kefeng,City ecology.Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2010

Edited by Liu KefengLiu Yueqiu,Introduction of environmental science.Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2010

Edited byLiu YueqiuJing Xingfu,《Garden plant diseases and insect pestsRevision. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2006

Edited byLiu YueqiuJing Xingfu.Garden plant diseases and insect pests. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2001

Edited by Liu Kefeng and Zhang Yin, assistant edited byLiu Yueqiu.The 12 five years plan of national programming book for General high educationEnvironics introduction, Beijing: China forest Press, 2012


Ministry of organization of Beijing municipal Party committee outstanding talent project“Application of microbePolystictus versicolorin degradation of waste”- hoster

Beijing  science committee extending project“Technology of manure harmlessness and resource utilization”- Assistant hoster

Beijing college and university innovate team establishment project“Study on harmlessness and resource utilization of agricultural and forestry waste and organic compost production” - Assistant hoster

Beijing education committee innovation project“Construction of course of environmental science introduction”- hoster

Broadwise project“Study on chemical component and structure change during the compost of landscaping waste” -hoster

Broadwise project“Investigation on forest and soil resource and sample collection”-hoster

The 12 five years plan of national science and technology supporting project“Integration and demonstration of Beijing suburb agricultural industry circle technology ”- member

Beijing science committee project“Study on harmlessness and organic compost production of domestic garbage and livestock manure” - member

Published papers:

Liu YueqiuLiu KefengShi AipingLei ZengpuLiu CailingWang HongliSelection of favorable microbes in composting wasteJournal of Agro-environmental Science,2003225):597-601

Liu YueqiuLiu KefengShi AipingLei ZengpuLiu CailingWang HongliSelection of favorable microbes in composting wasteChemical abstracts(USA)20041416):88526

LIU Yue-Qiu, SUN Xiang-Yang, WANG Yong, LIU Yin,Effects of shades on the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Urtica dioica.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007, 278):3457-3464

DONG Yi-Chen,LIU Yue-Qiu.Soil water influences on protective enzymes and osmolytes of Urtica dioica and their correlations with leaf photosynthesis and biomass.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2009296):2845-2851

DONG Yi-Chen,LIU Yue-Qiu.The response of Urtica dioica to different soil water ongrowth and photosynthesis.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 20082810):4685-4692

LIU Yueqiu, LIU Kefeng, LEI Zengpu, SHI Aiping, LIU Cailing, WANG Honli,Effects of Composted Biowastes Inoculated by Different Microbes Consortia on Growth of Kalanchoe Flammea,Journal of Agro-environmental Science,2003226):740-744

Liu yueqiu, Liu kefeng, Lei zungpu, Shi aiping , Liu Cailin, Wang hongli, Influences of Microadditives on Compost of Pig Manure.Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin,2003191:9-14

LIU Yue-qiu,SUN Xiang-yang,WANG Bao-ping,Study on Seed Germination of Urtica dioica.Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2006213):34-38

LIU Kefeng,LIU Yueqiu, LEI Zengpu, LIU Cailing, SHI Aiping.Effects of Different Microorganism Consortiums on Quality of Composting Pig-Dung,Journal of Agro-environmental Science,2003223):311-314

LIU Ke-f eng,LIU Yue-qiu,LEI Zeng-pu, LIU Cai-ling, SHI Ai-ping, WANG Hong-li, Screening of starter strains for higher quality of pig-dung and urban waste compost.Rural Eco-Environment,2003,19 (2) :47-50

Jiang X.F., Huang S.H., Luo L.Z.,Liu Y. Q., Zhang L. Diapause termination, post- diapause development and reproduction in the beet webworm,Loxostege sticticalis(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).Journal of Insect Physiology, 2010,56 (9):1325-1331

LIU Ke-feng,LIU Yue-qiu, SHI Ai-ping, LI Yue-hua, WANG Hong-li, Effects of different combinations of fertilizers on the growth of Turf Grass.Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2002:173:10-12

LIU Kefeng, SHI Aiping,LIU Yueqiu, LEI Zengpu, LIU Cailing, WANG Hongli, LI Yuhua,Effects of Different Additives on the Compost Quality of the Pig-Dung,Urban Environment & Urban Ecology,2003,163:47-48

LIU Ke-feng, SHI Ai-ping, WANG Hong-li,LIU Yue-qiu, LIU Cai-ling,Survey and Utilization of Municipal Garbage in Urban and Suburb of Beijing,Agro-environmental Protection, 2002,213:232-236

Research prizes:

Beijing scientific and technological progress third prize

Chinese flowers and plants exhibition second prize



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