
姓 名 綦菁华 性 别 女
政治面貌 党员 出生年月 196607
民 族 汉 职 务
籍贯 山东 职称 教授
最高学历 博士 最高学位 博士
联系方式 13681479257 E-mail
2006.9-2006.12: Harper Adam University in Uk研修食品营销硕士,获证书
2011.11-2012.5: Brooklyn College in USA做高级访问学者
1、 食品加工中化学物安全:酚类和醌类
2、 食品包装材料化学物安全:荧光剂
3、 苹果深加工关键技术:控制澄清汁混浊和褐变
4、 苹果皮渣综合利用技术:果胶和纤维素提取
5、 板栗深加工关键技术:褐变和淀粉回生
6、 板栗副产物综合利用技术:板栗壳提取色素、板栗苞壳制取机制木炭
近五年来,主持和副主持的科研项目9项,其中曾主持的项目6项(北京科委关于板栗壳综合利用技术研究1项,2009.12已通过专家验收、北京市教委关于板栗深加工技术研究1项,2008.12已通过专家组验收、北京市中青年骨干项目1项2008.12已验收、北京市应用重点实验室1项已经过专家验收),副主持北京教委课题3项,现主持2011年度北京彩虹项目关于板栗壳活性成分研究1项,2012年度科技专项专利成果转化项目板栗加工控制褐变技术转化1项。多年来一直围绕食品加工中化学物安全进行研究,如褐变产物功能性和安全性研究、苹果浓缩汁的混浊问题以及板栗深加工和综合利用方面也做了大量的研究工作,采用酶解和吸附结合的技术已成功地控制了苹果浓缩汁的二次混浊,使苹果浓缩汁的二次混浊率由原来的40%下降到4%;成功地从板栗壳中提取了色素和利用板栗外苞和内壳制取机制木炭,项目已在密云县推广中,2011年2月获国家发明专利1项。多年的科研工作积累,共发表文章32篇,其中近5年以第一作者在国内外期刊发表学术论文17篇,一级学报9篇, SCI收录1篇、EI收录1篇,CA收录2篇。主编国家级出版社教材2部,副主编国家级出版社科普读物1部,参与编写国外的专业英文工具书1部,参与编写21世纪精品教材1部。
Name:Jinghua Qi
Professor of Food Science and Engineering atBeijingUniversityof Agriculture (BUA)
Contact Information(联系信息)
Englishname: Jinghua Qi
Office: Food chemistry
Email: abc960718@sina.com
Office Phone: 86-10-80799174-605
Office Fax: 86-10-80799170
Recruitment Status(接受研究生情况): accepting graduate students:2-3
Websites(个人网站): http://www.bac.edu.cn
Education & Experience:(受教育经历)
1984.9-1991.4: Bachelor Degree and Master Degree inHeilongjiangCommercialCollege
2000.9-2003.6:Ph.D Degree inChinaUniversityof Agriculture
2006.9-2006.12: Study inHarperAdamUniversityin U.K
2011.11-2012.5: Visiting Scholar inBrooklynCollegeinUSA
Since 1991.4 : Teacher inBeijingUniversityof Agriculture
Research Interests(研究方向): 1.Safety of chemicals in food processing and food package
2.Processing of apple juice (controlling haze and browning)
3. Processing of chestnut kernel and husk (pigments and carbon making)
Primary Teaching Area(主讲课程): Food chemistry and Food Analysis
Positions & Employment(社会职务及活动): Director of Beijing Food Institute Member of China Institute of Food Science and Technology
Profile:(Only 500 Words)(简短自我评价)
My major is Food science and Engineering, especially in Food processing (apple juice and chestnut kernel ) for controlling haze formation and browning .The utilization of apple pomace and chestnut shell (pigments extracting and purification) have been related to. Safety of chemicals in food processing and food package are also be studied.
Selected Publications:(研究成果)
Qi J H, Yang XY,Huang M Q. Identification of Chemicals from Enzymatic-Browning Reaction of Chestnut (Castanea mollissina) kernel.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2011, 44(8):1678-1698
Yang X Y, Qi J H*, Wang J, Huang M Q, Wu Y H. Study on the extraction and stability of the enzymatic browning product in chestnut kernel. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2010, 26(17): 103-107.
Qi J H, Xu Y Q, Wang F, Pang M X, Huang M Q, Zhu Y Z. Key ProcessingTechnology and Functional Property of Cooked Chestnut Powder. Journal of the Chinese Cereal and Oils Association, 2009, 24(11):111-114
Qi J H, Wang F, Pang M X, Zhao C C. Factors that Effect Browning for Cooked Chestnut Kernel. Journal of the Chinese Cereal and Oils Association, 2009, 24(10):103-106
Qi J H, Wang F, Pang M X, Zhuang W J, Zheng X Y.Factors that effect Retro gradation of Chestnut Starch. Journal of the Chinese Cereal and Oils Association, 2009, 24(3):58-61
Qi J H, Wu J,Xu Y Q, Wang F, Pang M X, Huang M Q. Active Ingredients of Phenolics and Their Antioxidant Activities in Chinese Chestnut. Acta Hort,2009,844:89-94.
Qi J H, Cai T Y, Wu J Xu Y Q,Wang F, Pang M X, Huang M Q. Influence of Enzymolysis-Adsorption On the Secondary Haze in Apple Juice. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011, (10)
Qi J H,Cai T Y,Ni Y Y. Study on the adsorption of active carbon on the polyphenol and haze in apple juice. Industry of food and fermentation, 2003, 29(4):11-14 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Qi J H,Cai T Y,Ni Y Y. Effect of enzyme on the haze of apple juice. Journal of food science, 2003,24(9):69-72 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Qi J H ,Cai T Y,Wang F etal. Analysis of form on the secondary haze of apple juice concentrate, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2007,23(12):247-251 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Qi J H . Study on the formation and control technology of secondary haze of apple juice concentrate 「D」Beijing:ChinaUniversityof Agriculture, 2003.