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代表性成果(Representative article):

1、WenkeRuan, Yanhua Wu, Jian An, and ShijinZheng, Polymorphisms of chicken Toll-like receptors 4, 15, and 21 in different breeds, Poultry Science, 91, 2512-2516, 2012. SCI收录, IF=1.728, First Author.

2WenkeRuan, Yanhua Wu, Jian An, Dengfeng Cui, Huanrong Li, and shijunZheng, Toll-like receptor 2 type 1 and type 2 polymorphisms in different chicken breeds, Poultry Science, 91, 101-106. 2012. SCI收录, IF=1.728, First Author.

3WenkeRuan, Yanhua Wu, and ShijunZheng, Different genetic patterns in avian Toll-like receptor (TLR)5 genes, Molecular Biology Reports, 39, 3419-3426, 2012, First Author.

4Yanhua Wu, WenkeRuan, Defeng Cui, and Huanrong li, Identification of a toll-like receptor1 in guinea fowl (Agelastesniger), Biochemical genetics, 50, 702–716, 2012. SCI收录, IF=0.8249, Corresponding author.

5WenkeRuan and ShijunZheng, Polymorphisms of chicken toll-like receptor 1 type 1 and type 2 in different breeds, Poultry Science, 90, 1941-1947, 2011. SCI收录, IF=1.728, First Author.

6WenkeRuan, Jianjun Zhang, Lixiawang, Peng Zhang, and Jian An. Heterologous expression of biologically active chicken granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor in Pichiapastoris. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(11), 2791-2796, 2012.

7JianJun Zhang#, LixiaWang#, WenkeRuan#, and JianAn*, Investigation into the prevalence of coccidiosis and maduramycin drug resistance in chickens in         China , Veterinary Parasitology, 16, 191(1-2), 29-34, 2013. SCI         收录, IF=2.579, #Co-first author.

8XinfengGuo, Li Wang, Defeng Cui, WenkeRuan, Fenghua Liu, andHuanrong Li, Differential expression of the Toll-like receptor pathway and related genes of chicken bursa after experimental infection with infectious bursa disease virus, Archives of Virology, 157(11), 2189-99, 2012. SCI收录, IF=2.111.

联系方式(contact information)20037803@bua.edu.cnwenkeruan@hotmail.com





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