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胡 格,男,1973年出生,理学博士,副教授,内蒙古通辽市人。



Hu Ge, male, born in 1973, Ph.D, associate professor, from Tongliao,Inner Mongolia .

Graduated from College ofBiologyofChina Agricultural University with Ph.D in 2008. Graduated from Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University with a master's degree in Basic Veterinary Science in 2001. Graduated from Inner Mongolia Agricultural University with a bachelor's degree in Veterinary Science in 1997. Taught "animal anatomy" and "Animal Histology and Embryology" in Beijing universityofAgricultural since 2001. Editor of 5 textbooks.

The main research direction is animal histology and embryology, antiviral mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine. Had completed a project for National Natural Science Foundation, a project for Beijing Nova program; hosting a project for science and technology of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, a project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Muncipality - the Young Backbone Teachers, participating in 3 projects for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Muncipality - Innovative Team. Elected to Beijing Nova program in 2006, got "Beijing Youth Backbone Teachers" title in 2009. Received the 3rd Pride for Beijing Science and Technology Progress and two national invention patents, published more than 30 papers, including five in SCI. As part-time committeeof Beijing Association of Anatomy.




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