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Zhaolianjing (1974- ), Associate Professor, Ph.D., vice dean

Research Fields:Rural Financial Management,Financial Management of Listed Agricultural Companies,Accounting Informatization.


9/2007-7/2011 PhD,Management of Agricultural Economy,China Agricultural University

11/2011Governance and Higher Education Management,Harper Adams University College

9/1998-4/2001 M. Acc, Accounting,Shenyang University of Technology

9/1994-7/1998 B.A,Management of Agricultural Economy, Shenyang Agricultural University


2008--present Assistant Professor of Accounting, Economic and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA) 

2001-2008, Lecturer, Economic and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA)

Research Experience as Project Leader:

2011 - 2012 A Case Study of the Rural Community Joint-stock System in Beijing, funded by Beijing philosophy and social science planning project.

2009 – 2011 Behaviors of Valley Household’s Investment in Beijing Mountain Region, funded by Training Programs Foundation for the Talents of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC Organization Department.

2008-2010 Research on financial problems of agricultural listing Corporation, funded by Youth Foundation of Beijing University of Agriculture.


Zhao, I.J., The Study of Investment Efficiency of Listed Agricultural Companiesbased on Finance,China AgriculturePress.

Zhao, I.J., Accounting Principles,Dongbei University of Finance and EconomicsPress.

Zhao, I.J., The Study on Financial Management ofFarmer cooperatives, China AgriculturePress.

Zhao, I.J., Financing Constraints, Agency Conflicts and the Agricultural Investment Efficiency of Listed Companies. Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics.

Zhao, I.J.,Practical Architecture of Accounting Based on ERP Sand Table Simulation, ChinaManagementInformatization.

Zhao, I.J.,Does Earning Management Meet Analysts’ Forecasts?2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government.

Zhao, I.J.,Valley Household’s Investment Behaviors in Beijing Mountain Region,Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing.

Zhao, I.J.,Can Higher Earnings Quality Improve Investment Efficiency,Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing.



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