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政治面貌       民盟       出生年月       1973.1     


           吉林长春                  讲师        

最高学历       博士研究生    最高学位       博士        

联系方式       15011574310  E-mail     Fangwang1973@sina.com     


1995.9-1998.7  西北农业大学资环系      本科、硕士研究生  

2000.9-2003.7  中国农业大学资环学院    博士研究生  

1998.7-2000.9  国家半干旱工程研究中心  工作  

2003.6-至今    北京农学院食品科学学院  工作  


三、主讲课程       食品分析与检验、食品化学、环境化学与食品安全  

四、研究领域和方向    (限300字)  

1  食品加工中农药残留降解规律  

2  天然产物化学:中草药中功能成分的提取纯化及应用  

3  板栗深加工关键技术:褐变和淀粉回生  

4  板栗副产物综合利用技术:板栗壳提取色素  





NameWang Fang            

Lecturer of Food Science and Engineering           

Contact Information  

Englishname: Wang Fang  

Office: Food chemistry         

Email: fangwang1973@sina.com          

Office Phone:  86-10-80799174-605  

Office Fax: 86-10-80799170  

Recruitment Status:          accepting graduate students:2-3  

Websites:     http://www.bac.edu.cn  

Education & Experience:  

1991.9-1998.7: Bachelor Degree and Master Degree in North West Agriculture University  

2000.9-2003.6:Ph.D Degree in China University of Agriculture  

1998.7-2000.9 intern researcher in National Engineering Research Center of half arid  

Since 2003.6 : Teacher in Beijing University of Agriculture  

Research Interests: 1.Safety of chemicals in food processing and food package  

2. Research of pesticide degradation in food  

3. Processing of chestnut kernel and husk (pigments and carbon making)  

Primary Teaching Area: Food chemistry and Food Analysis  

Positions & Employment: teacher  

Honors: Member of China Institute of Food Science and Technology  

Profile:(Only 500 Words)  

My major is Food science and Engineering, especially Research on natural products (extractingpurification and identifacation) and pesticide degradation regular pattern in foodThe utilization of chestnut shell (pigments extracting and purification) have been related to. Safety of chemicals in food processing and food package are also be studied.  

Selected Publications:  

Qi J H, Xu Y Q, Wang F, Pang M X, Huang M Q, Zhu Y Z. Key ProcessingTechnology and Functional Property of Cooked Chestnut Powder. Journal of the Chinese Cereal and Oils Association, 2009, 24(11):111-114  

Qi J H, Wang F, Pang M X, Zhao C C. Factors that Effect Browning for Cooked Chestnut Kernel. Journal of the Chinese Cereal and Oils Association, 2009, 24(10):103-106  

Qi J H, Wang F, Pang M X, Zhuang W J, Zheng X Y.Factors that effect Retro gradation of Chestnut Starch. Journal of the Chinese Cereal and Oils Association, 2009, 24(3):58-61  

Qi J H, Wu J,Xu Y Q, Wang F, Pang M X, Huang M Q. Active Ingredients of Phenolics and Their Antioxidant Activities in Chinese Chestnut. Acta Hort2009,844:89-94.  

Qi J H, Cai T Y, Wu J Xu Y Q,Wang F, Pang M X, Huang M Q. Influence of Enzymolysis-Adsorption On the Secondary Haze in Apple Juice. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011, (10)  

Qi J H ,Cai T Y,Wang F etal. Analysis of form on the secondary haze of apple juice concentrate, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2007,23(12):247-251 (in Chinese with English abstract)  



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