曾主持中国法学会、北京市教委、北京市新农村研究基地等项目6项,参加国家社科基金(重点)、环保部、亚洲开发银行等项目十余项。在《北方法学》、《甘肃政法学院学报》等刊物上发表论文十余篇,出版著作两部。曾分别于2007—2008年在中国人民大学法学院访学一年,师从王轶教授;2009—2010年在美国明尼苏达大学法学院访学一年,师从Brett McDonnel教授。
Email: tongguangfa@bua.edu.cn
Guangfa Tong Associate Professor of Law
University of Zhengzhou, Bachelor of Law & Master of Law
Peking University, PhD. Candidate
Professor Guangfa Tong teaches and writes in the areas of environmental law, natural resources law, energy law, tort law, property law and corporate law. His articles have appeared in Northern Legal Science, Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute, Science of Law, Journal of Chongqing University of Technology, Journal of Zhou University, Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, among others. Professor Tong was named An Excellent Teacher of the Year for 2005-2006, and he was a visiting scholar in Law School of Renming University of China from 2007-2008 and in Law School of University of Minnesota, from 2009-2010.
Prior to his teaching career, Professor Tong was a assistant attorney at GuangLei Law Firm in Zhengzhou, where he specialized in corporate law, tort law, and property law from 1997-1998. Now, he is also a part-time attorney at Lehman Lee & Xu Law Firm in Beijing. Since 2008, Professor Tong is a commissioner of Environment Law Association of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, and director of Beijing Law Association for Consumer Rights and Interests Protection.
Email: tongguangfa@bua.edu.cn