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Prof.LI Ruifen, female, was born in 1966 in Shanxi, qualifiedmaster degree in China Agricultural University, and have taughtin college of economics and management in BeiJing University of Agriculture since 1999, and also as one of Director of Beijing Municipal Accounting Associationexecutive directors in Academic Committee of China Association of Township Enterprises and China Marketing Association

She has been responsible for and participated in 23 research projects, and 13 of them supported by Social Science Foundation from Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing Social Science Foundation and etc.. Meanwhile , 4 monographs, 2 books about popular science introduction, 6 teaching books was published, and over 40 academic articles have been published by famous Journal like "Issues in Agricultural Economy".She won the Young Scientists Awardin 2004, and "Approaching Accounting Practices" courseware won Excellence Award in 2008 in Beijing. Research interesting is rural development.



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